County Wexford
School of Music
County Wexford School of Music (CWSM) provides a high standard of music tuition in County Wexford. It encourages students to pursue their personal best and gain excellent life skills through music education.
CWSM and County Wexford Youth Orchestra (CWYO) were founded in 1980 by the late London musician Alan Cutts and by Eileen Herlihy. It is a not-for-profit organisation, managed on a day to day basis by the School Administrator Olive Thorpe.
The school has many distinguished alumni including Fintan Cleary, Rosaleen Molloy, Aileen Mythen, Aine Whelan, Deirdre Masterson, Roisin Dempsey, Therese Canavan, Helen McGrath, Brigid Nolan and more.
County Wexford School of Music is operated as a guaranteed limited company by a board of directors and is a registered charity (CHY 19037).
Child Protection Policy
The Board of Directors, Director and Staff of the County Wexford School of Music are committed to a child-centred approach to our work with children and young people. We undertake to provide a safe environment and experience, where the welfare of the child/young person is paramount. We will adhere to the recommendations of the Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children published by the Department of Health and Children.
We have implemented procedures covering:-
- Code of Behaviour for all staff
- Reporting of suspected or disclosed abuse
- Confidentiality
- Recruitment and selecting staff
- Managing and supervising staff
- Involvement of primary carers
- Allegations of misconduct or abuse by staff
- Complaints and comments
- Incidents and accidents
The policy is renewed annually
Registered in Ireland Number :462548 CHY:19037 © 2023
Tel mobile: 087 944 3248 / email: cwsmwexford@gmail.com